
If your booking is washed out, or you can’t play for any reason, log in to Book A Court, select “My Bookings” and Cancel the missed booking. You will receive an automatic refund.

After rain, if there is standing water visible on the en-tout-cas courts, YOU MUST NOT PLAY ON THEM. You will damage the court surface if it is wet and slippery.

The Fitzroy Tennis Club is located in the picturesque Edinburgh Gardens in North Fitzroy. We are a vibrant, all inclusive club and membership is open to all. We offer a range of social, competition and coaching options or you can simply book a court online and play at anytime. Tennis started here in 1888 and FTC came into being in 1894. The club has come a long way from the original two asphalt courts and now boasts 3 en-tout-cas and 3 synthetic courts, an alfresco dining space, outdoor table tennis and a charming clubhouse.

News & Events

Keep up to date with FTC news. Follow us on Instagram @fitzroytennisclub

FTC Club Championships 2025 - 14-16 and 21-23 March

FTC Club Championships will play out Friday14th to Sunday 16th March and Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd March, so save the dates to watch…or better still…to play!!

We are trying to meet the needs of our growing member base while celebrating the game of tennis.  The information in this form will assist us to organise some fun and exciting weekends of club tennis:


Tournament Entry:  https://dub.sh/FCC25

We are asking members to volunteer to help with the organisation and running of the event. There is a variety of tasks involved such as arranging awards/trophies, registration, handing out balls, catering, recording scores –  volunteers will be rostered on for just a portion of the event.  Add to the success of this event by volunteering your time and you will no doubt enjoy the fun team-work experience!

Social Tennis Options

9am Tuesdays, Facebook group to find playing partners

Thursday evening Sets in the City is currently fully subscribed. Unfortunately we can’t accommodate any new players for the time being, sorry.

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The Fitzroy Tennis Club has an active group of juniors who play social and/or competition tennis. Many of our younger members participate in the Racquet Lab coaching program offered at FTC. Learn More


Social Tennis

The Club has a range of different social tennis activities for all levels. These include the Monday night Social Tennis Competition and the twice yearly Mix ‘N’ Match. So come along and have a hit! Learn more

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Fitzroy TC participates in a variety of competitions including Pennant, Metro Masters, NEJTA for the Juniors, NENTG - Ladies, Mens and Mixed and we host our own Monday night Social Competition. Learn More

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The coaching program at Fitzroy TC is run by Luke Devlin and his Racquet Lab team.  Luke is a Tennis Australia Club Professional coach and a pioneering member of the TA Coach Developer team.  Learn More

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We offer a range of membership options to suit singles, couples and families. Learn More.

Fitzroy Tennis Club - Edinburgh Gardens (behind Grandstand) 100F St Georges Road, Fitzroy North, Vic. 3068