FTC Club Championships 2025
- Click thru to Tennis Australia Tournament Webpage to Enter or scan the QR-Code below
- Email : FitzroyTCclubchamps@gmail.com to email a question
- Link to download the entry details as a pdf
Join in the fun and excitement of the championships!
The championships are the highlight of the FTC year. Be part of the action or come down to the club to cheer on the participants and join in the fun.
Open Mens Singles & Womens Singles
Open Mens Doubles & Womens Doubles
Open Mixed Doubles - Jock & Joan Wastell Trophy
Every member is welcome and encouraged to enter. You don’t have to expect to win the Final to make it a great experience.
Ask someone to join you in the doubles for twice the fun!
Friday 14th March - Evening
Saturday 15th March - Afternoon & Evening
Sunday 16th March - Morning, Afternoon & Evening
Qualifying - 2 tie break sets. One set each, a 10 point tie-break to decide the winner.
Friday 21st March - Evening
Saturday 22nd March - Afternoon & Evening
Sunday 23rd March - Grand Final for all events and presentations
Semi-finals and Grand Final - Best of 3 tie break sets
*If you have minor restrictions on your availability during these dates, please note it in your entry form. We will do our best to ensure you can still participate if scheduling allows.
Entries Close - 5:00pm Friday 7th March
Depending on the number of entries we receive (particularly for the male singles event) you may be asked to play an early round prior to the tournament’s official start date. The date and time of these matches would need to be mutually arranged with your opponent.
To Register fill in the online registration form:
For those who use a paper form download the pdf entry form, fill it in, then send it as a photo or a pdf to to fitzroytcclubchamps@gmail.com