Special Event Booking Form

FTC has 6 courts, over 500 members and many non-member users, so demand for court-time is high. In order to balance the demand for competition, coaching, and social play by members and non-members, the Committee has developed a policy to allow private tennis event bookings within certain limits.

Members and non-members can request a special court booking ahead of the usual lead-time, up to a MAXIMUM of 2 courts for 3 hours. All event bookings will be charged at the normal court-hire rate of $28 per court per hour, plus $4 per hour if lights are required.

If a special event booking can be accommodated, the booker may make use of the Club’s barbecue and clubhouse, but exclusive access to those facilities cannot be provided - club members may continue to make use of the facilities. The clubhouse may not be booked separately for events which do not involve playing tennis.

Commercial events and the sale of alcohol are not permitted.

When requesting an event booking please remember that Saturdays are usually fully utilised with Junior competition in the morning and adult competition in the afternoon. You can get an idea of the busy times by viewing the Booking Sheet.

Once you have submitted your request below we aim to provide a response within 48 hours.

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